PikiThompson Pl - Parquet Flooring
Piki-Thompsom, Water based Polyurethane, Parquet flooring, Trowel Filled, 3 coats of Matt Finish
Timber Species - New Parquetry Timber flooring
Scope of work - rough sand, Spot fill and fine sand
Finish - 3 coats of Water based finish low sheen
The Parquetry Flooring Now in case you're wondering yes there are two blogs because there are two parts to this job. The Hall flooring and about 80 square meters of parquetry flooring to lay up stairs. So for the upstairs as part of the Maori Trust side someone had offered to pay for the supply of the parquet flooring (also Knowen as Parkay Flooring) while the Trust paid for the laying and floor sanding and coating. Well I think that's what happened anyway.
So Nu floors picked up the parquetry for them and once the pre-sand was completed it was into laying tons of parquetry on the flooring. After two days of laying the parquetry it was ready for the floor sander, after a cross cut with a rough paper the trowel filling was done and left to dry. Which is of course a very important part of the overall finish of the parquetry.
Nufloors now as access to finger parquet flooring as per the photos below
All this lead us up to Anzac weekend and out of respect for our fallen Kiwis Soldiers Nu-floors didn't work for the long weekend. This enabled the Trust to use the faculties on the Saturday.
Tuesday saw us back in sanding away. The floor needing 5 crosscuts with a 40 grit to get it nice and flat and clean for the fine standing. Over the next two days saw us having it find sanded and three coats of water based polyurethane on the floor by Friday afternoon.
The VerMeister Product is an Italian water based product and looked stunning on this new parquet floor.
For full photos click here Wb PikiThompson
Piki Thompson Way, Otahuhu - Written by hugh floor sander to Nu Floors