November floor sanding auckland

November Floor sanding Auckland The week Of 3rd Floor sanding on this week of the year is always fun, if you like a big bang, Guy Fawkes sees us running a little shop selling fireworks, trying to juggle setting up our store and getting our floor sanders off to work when i have their vans to deliver stock, anything for a cracker?

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Full swing,October floor sanding and installing timber floors

The week Of 6th had our floor sanding guys out at a job that the customer installed his own solid hardwood flooring, we epoxed the natural holes in the American oak flooring then the floor sanding and polishing was fun, Auckland decided to have one of its thunderstorms, the house was completely surrounded by water, we thought we were in the middle of a lake, later after the storm abated we finished with a high gloss finish, see the gallery. the second team of floor sanders was on to a developers house in Mangere bridge south auckland, floor sanding the entire house, then off to mt Eden for another small job

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My Floor sanding week off - Yeah Right

Yes that's right, I had a week of floor sanding Auckland, well actually 5 days at sunny Brisbane, We arrived early on Thursday and off to DFO (direct Factory Outlet). the first things we bought was Work gear for our floor sanders, New Shoes for our floor polishers, eventually we left this mega store and arrived at our friends, Yes NonFloorsanders. Just in time to watch Brisbane put on a show and destroy 100'000 pains of glass and flood houses in central Brisbane, and amazing experience and all i thought about is all the work that was now needed, and eventually lots of timber flooring repairs to be done due to water damage with broken windows everywhere.

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Whats our floor sanders did for July

The month of July saw Nufloors rocketing along floor sanding many jobs over Auckland. The week of the 1st saw our wooden floor company in Mt Eden and then way over to Beachlands where we did a floor sanding and staining job in a whole house with pine tongue and groove flooring in it. A dark stain was used and pictures are in our gallery for your viewing pleasure. Also on the list of jobs this week was to complete the upstairs wooden flooring of the North Shore job by completing the kitchen lounge and dining. So the week saw our floor sanding experts all over the place.

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August Rush

August workload done by our floor sanders auckland Team. The week of the 4th saw our floor sanders polishing a Kitchen floor using water based polyurethane. Tuesday and Wednesday had us doing a tar removal and sand and poly in New Lynn. Saturday had us back at Parnell to do the stairs and downstairs wooden flooring areas of a Gallery.

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September Madness

Setember work by out floor sanding Auckland team. The week of the 1st had our head floor sander doing a big timber floor staining job in St Helier’s for the rest of the week while the other van did wooden flooring jobs in Glen Eden, Blockhouse Bay and an apartment in the City.

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